New site, new attempts at being productive

Hey there! So it’s been about 3 years-ish since I’ve updated my site, and I figured my old indexhibit didn’t really cut it anymore.

Bit too clunky, had to prepare tons of files just to do an update… so welcome to my fresh new site ! I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, so there will be more projects coming, but in the meantime enjoy some of my latest projects.

As it was available on this platform, I figured it might also be a good opportunity to take up some mild blogging (who even does that anymore anyway). Just to keep a little journal on things, and share a bit of my daily life and who knows, maybe get a chance to interact with some of you guys. I don’t usually do this kind of thing, so please forgive my writing, which WILL be weird and stilted at times. But I guess that also counts for the rest of the site.


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