Gone with the wind

Here’s one that’s a little different from my usual style, done for the 2021 calendar for the Gemeng Suessem. I had been in discussion with Steve, from the communication department, for a while, about doing something a bit different for the calendar, to make it more interesting for the general public, as usually the communal calendar is something you get in the mail, and from there it goes straight to some cupboard in the house. Steve had the idea of asking local illustrators to create a unique image for each month. Along with helping out coordinating the project and illustrators, I also created the image for the month of November.

As the theme of the calendar was loosely based around seasons and the environment, my concept was to show an autumn landscape in bright orange colors, where the wind is blowing away remnants of pollution, a cloud of smoke, etc. Just as a simple message that we need to preserve nature and that only by doing that will it be able to heal itself and keep its beauty.






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