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The mind is like tofu, it tastes like whatever your marinade it in.

Now this is going to be hard to describe. Glow is short-animation by Radar, a Luxembourg-based production company, released under the direction of Fred Neuen, that I’ve pleasure to participate in as co-director and character designer. The movie was released in early 2020 and is currently still in circuit for various film festivals.

I took on the character design and storyboarding duties, under close collaboration with Fred. We went through several iterations for the main character, from more humanoid looking creatures, to bird-like aliens and at one point even sentient arcade machines, before settling on this fella, who does share some ressemblance with a shrouded block of tofu (which became his nickname for a while). Other creatures in the movie included a goldfish, and a flying paper knot.

As the movie was to use handbuilt sets as backgrounds, we needed to create a few proof of concept stills digitally, that would represent the aesthetic of the film. Animator David Leick-Burns then took on the animatic and final animation for trailer and film, while the Radar crew handled set design and post-production. After the initial development was done, I did take a more backseat role, but being able to see the movie on big screen, and the crowd’s reaction was still a heartwarming moment.




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